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Search results

  1. Managing Information Risks

    ... up to now and I found that I have not read much about information risks. It also seems that those risks are not (yet?) in focus, ... the finger on something that business often neglects when managing risks. Risk Measurement The framework implies a focal role ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  2. Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks

    ... chain: Physical movement of goods Flow of information Flow of money Security of the firm’s internal ... Select rating Give Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks 1/5 Give Predicting and Managing Supply Chain ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  3. Managing Global Sourcing Risk

    ... / companies within seven industries. In each company several information sources were tapped, including expert interviews. Afterwards ... The study proposes four generic strategies for managing global sourcing risk: network re-engineering , collaboration , ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  4. Managing Supply Chain Disruptions in the Chemical Industry

    ... my second article (click here for the first) about managing supply chain risks in the chemical industry. This time by Paul R. ... definitely not fit all. Condition C2. Trust, information and continuing profitability are the basic glue that makes supply ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 2 comments

  5. Survey: Managing Risk and Supply Chain Design

    Summary:  This article survey current literature on managing supply chain risks and supply chain design. 1. September ... USA. To take part in this survey contact me, you find my information on the bottom of this page. Interview guide The ...

    Basic page - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22

  6. Risks in Supply Chains for Small and Medium Sized Companies

    ... the standard supply chain components (product-, financial-, information-flow) to categorize the risks. He also adds a relational category. ... Faisal, M.N. Prioritization of Risks in Supply Chains. Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability pp. 41-66 Tags:  ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  7. How Risky is your Company?

    ... refer to the production processes, but the softer risks of managing a company. The key contribution of Simons is the Risk Exposure ... are three internal pressures: due to growth, culture and information management. A version of the calculator can be found in figure 1. ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  8. Avoiding Supply Chain Breakdown

    ... presents a comprehensive practice oriented framework for managing supply chain disruptions by Sunil Chopra and ManMohan S. Sodhi. The ... (eg. a disruption can also lead to a delay. Or why is a information infrastructure breakdown a systems risk and not a disruption?). ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 1 comment

  9. Supplier Selection in a Turbulent World

    ... risk in turbulent environments — A conceptual model for managing supply chain network risk” by Peter Trkman and Kevin McCormack ... predict supplier risks and should be enhanced by additional information on the the supply chain (type and structure) and the business ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 3 comments

  10. Research - This Week in Supply Chain Management (32 / 2012)

    ... by Leah J. Bovell “Joint Resolution of Supply Chain Risks: The Role of Risk Characteristics and Problem Solving Approach”. ( ... to overcome the challenges of complexity and allow for information and resource flows among actors and between firms. Our ... Accenture has published a white paper on “Managing Supply Chain Risk Better”. ( Accenture ) Enjoy your ...

    News Item - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments
