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Search results

  1. Improving Simulation in Supply Chain Research

    ... the rigor of discrete-event simulation in logistics and supply chain research” is a 2009 paper by Ila Manuj, JT. Mentzer and MR. Bowers. ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  2. Topology of Supply Chain Risks

    ... Goldsby’s published an article in 2009 on the topic of “Supply chain risks: a review and typology”. The article is devided into three ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  3. Misunderstandings and Learnings from Case Study Research

    ... critical cases or paradigmatic cases). In the case of Supply Chain Risk Management case studies can serve multiple purposes: Laying ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  4. Supply Chain Management Literature Review

    ... It’s not that there are no articles on supply chain risk management anymore. But after writing on current research in the ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  5. Introduction to Risk Management in Supply Chains

    ... This is another introductory article (book chapter) to supply chain risk management. I included it, since it is an early (2003) view on ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  6. Supply Chain Crisis Management

    Supply Chain Risk Management is one way to look at risks within a company (and beyond). But there ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  7. Managing Supply Chain Disruptions in the Chemical Industry

    ... second article (click here for the first) about managing supply chain risks in the chemical industry. This time by Paul R. Kleindorfer and ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 2 comments

  8. The Supply Chain Flexibility Concept

    ... can be seen as a key basis for some companies and supply chains as a business strategy and for most companies as an approach for ... Duclos et al. presents a flexibility concept from a supply chain point of view and can be used as a foundation for further decisions on ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:22 - 0 comments

  9. Research agenda for SCRM

    Even though supply chain risk has been analyzed in the literature for some time (eg. the ... literature on the theory of risk and the practice of risk management 2) Establish robust and well-grounded models of supply chain ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments

  10. Journal Ranking - Supply Chain Risk Management

    The journals with relevant articles for Supply Chain Risk Management can be very diverse. First one would think about which ...

    Review - Daniel Dumke - 2019-03-25 21:23 - 0 comments
