
From Supply Chain Vulnerabilities to Risk - Important Concepts in Supply Chain Risk Management

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Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management

This blog may be a good starting point for supply chain risk management related research and literature, but even with more than 140 articles reviewed in the blog I still just touched the tip of the iceberg. There are still many basic articles left. Like this one by Helen Peck (2006): “Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management”

Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management

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Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management

Several questions I receive concern the very basic elements of supply chain risk management. Since reading “Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management” by Norrman and Lindroth (2004) I often referred to it, to describe the different aspects.


Norrman and Lindroth suggest a three dimensional framework to analyze different supply chain risk management issues (figure 1). The dimensions are:

Supply Chain Risk Sources, Consequences, Drivers and Mitigation

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Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research

I just stumbled upon one of the articles I already read about a year ago, shortly after I started my research. Beside indication of a future research agenda (see as well here), Jüttner et al. (2003) also explain some fundamental concepts of supply chain risk management.

Definition of Risk

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On The Quantitative Definition of Risk

What is risk anyway?
I read this paper already some time ago. It is very important to have a clear definition of the terms used in research. But from my previous experience I know that also in business a clear understanding of the different aspects of risks is important to stay consistent.

Topology of Supply Chain Risks

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Supply chain risks: a review and typology

S. Rao and T.J. Goldsby’s published an article in 2009 on the topic of “Supply chain risks: a review and typology”.

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