
Issues in Supply Chain Management

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Issues in Supply Chain Management

Very often this blog is concerned with the risk part of supply chain risk management. But to understand the risks within supply chain management, one has to understand the supply chain part as well. In 2000 Lambert and Cooper published a paper on the current “Issues in Supply CHain Management” and I want to highlight the main points here.

How Systems Design Themselves

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How Do Committees Invent?

Continuing with on with articles on general Systems Design and foundational articles, today I would like to talk about Conway’s seminal paper on “How Do Committees Invent” from 1968. If you want to read the paper completely, you can do so on Conway’s web page.

In his article Conway describes system design at its most generic level. Be it a system to prevent natural disasters or a new product of a company.

System Failure

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Your Infrastructure will kill you

I was looking for more general insights into the topic on why systems fail. I stumbled on a talk of Eleanor Saitta from last years Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin. There is a recording of the talk here and the slides for the talk can be obtained here.

Supply Chain Disruptions and Operating Performance

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The effect of supply chain glitches on shareholder wealth

I just realized, that up to now I have not written much about why Supply Chain Risk Management should be an important factor many more companies.

Supply Chain Crisis Management

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Managing supply chains in times of crisis: a review of literature and insights

Supply Chain Risk Management is one way to look at risks within a company (and beyond). But there are broader and more narrow disciplines as well, with Business Continuity on the one end and Supply Chain Crisis Management on the other.

Segmenting Supply Chain Strategies

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Supply chain strategy in the fashion industry: Developing a portfolio model depending on product, retail channel and brand

For researchers and practitioners alike it is important to differentiate supply chain strategies.

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