Kevin McCormack

Effects of Process Maturity and Uncertainty on SC Performance

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The impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance: an empirical study

Process orientation may or may not be a very hip topic right now. Nevertheless effective processes are a foundation for company performance. Lockamy, Childerhouse, Disney, Towill and McCormack (2008), analyze and explain the impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance, the full paper can be obtained here free of charge.

Supplier Selection in a Turbulent World

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Supply chain risk in turbulent environments—A conceptual model for managing supply chain network risk

At the moment I am focussing more on the interviews I am conducting for my research, so I am not reading as much anymore. I therefore try to select articles which are both useful for my research and my blog.

Identifying important Activities within the SCOR Processes

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Linking SCOR planning practices to supply chain performance: An exploratory study

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model has been developed by the Supply Chain Council to provide a best-practice framework for supply chain management practices and processes with the goal to increase performance.


The SCOR model consists of five major process categories: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return

Acting on Supply Chain Disruptions

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Ericsson's proactive supply chain risk management approach after a serious sub-supplier accident

Supply Chain Risk manifests itself in many ways. Today the German airlines restored their regular flight schedule again after six days of no or limited air traffic, after the latest eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull vulcano on Iceland.

The consequences of such events only rarely become evident, but in the background emergency plans have to be executed (or developed).

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