Samir Dani

Fragile Food Supply Chains: Reacting to Risks

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Fragile food supply chains: reacting to risks

The foods supply chain satisfies one of the most basic Maslowian needs.
Interruptions can quickly become major crisis. Assessment and reactions to risks therefore seems to be a vital point.

This article presents a framework by Dani and Deep on how specific food supply chain risks can be analyzed and how reactions can be tailored.

Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks

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Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks

I often recommend Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and Performance as a good overview of supply chain risk management literature.

Agile Supply Chains and Uncertainty

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Agility and supply chain uncertainty: a scenario planning perspective

There are many definitions of agility. A supply chain can be defined as agile, when it is flexible and responds quickly to customer needs. Agility can also be seen as a measure to mitigate supply chain risks, building on this thought Dani and Ranganathan (2008) developed a model to mitigate risks using the concept of agility .

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