A very interesting part of Supply Chain Risk Management deals with the impact of uncertainty on the supply chain design process. Van der Vorst and Beulens (2002) address this topic, and focus on the redesign of supply chains.
They claim that sources of uncertainty can be a key driver for chain redesign and after analyzing the literature and own research (case study) they present a tool for supply chain redesign where the sources of uncertainty support the selection of the relevant strategy.
Companies offer a smaller or larger range of products serving different markets, depending on their history and primarily the respective business model.
From a supply chain management point of view this poses the question if it is ok just to use the same supply chain strategy for all those products.
Supply Chain Risk Management is one way to look at risks within a company (and beyond). But there are broader and more narrow disciplines as well, with Business Continuity on the one end and Supply Chain Crisis Management on the other.
This is the sixth contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations on supply chain risk management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.
Very often this blog is concerned with the risk part of supply chain risk management. But to understand the risks within supply chain management, one has to understand the supply chain part as well. In 2000 Lambert and Cooper published a paper on the current “Issues in Supply CHain Management” and I want to highlight the main points here.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2011-12-19 17:35
Optimal newsvendor policies for dual-sourcing supply chains: A disruption risk management framework
This is the continuation of the Greece week and today I am going to have a look at a mathematical model to capture the effects of dual disruptions in a news-vendor model.
This time the three authors (Xanthopoulos, Vlachos and Iakovou) come from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.