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Simplified Supply Chain Flows

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Simplified material flow holds the key to supply chain integration

I have to distract myself a little bit from thinking about supply chain risks too much, so I thought why not use the chance to read a different article once in a while. Well, at least the authors are familiar: Paul Childerhouse and Denis R. Towill and their paper of 2003: “Simplified material flow holds the key to supply chain integration”

The Supply Chain Flexibility Concept

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A conceptual model of supply chain flexibility

Today’s article finally closes a gap in the blog that I wanted to close for a while now.

Flexibility can be seen as a key basis for some companies and supply chains as a business strategy and for most companies as an approach for risk mitigation. The article by Duclos et al. presents a flexibility concept from a supply chain point of view and can be used as a foundation for further decisions on the supply chain strategy.

Supply Risk Management from a Small Company's Perspective

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Supply risk management in a small company perspective

This study takes a closer look at supply risk management, but this time from the perspective of several small companies. This article tries to answer the questions what risks small company owners (SCOs) see and how SCOs mitigate those risks.
