While cleaning out some of my blog directories, I just found this article in my backup repository, I already wrote it over a year ago, but it still seems relevant. So without further ado: In their 2009 article Jörn-Henrik Thun and Daniel Hoenig from the Industrieseminar Mannheim (link only in German), present their research on Supply Chain Risk Management within the German automotive industry.
One very important part of supply chain management research is the historical analysis of supply chain practices and properties over time. Just recently I published an article on the development of supply chain strategies over the course of 20 years.
In 2005 Uta Jüttner was researcher at the Cranfield University, UK, especially renowned for several minds working on supply chain risk management, like Martin Christopher or Denis Towill.
Process orientation may or may not be a very hip topic right now. Nevertheless effective processes are a foundation for company performance. Lockamy, Childerhouse, Disney, Towill and McCormack (2008), analyze and explain the impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance, the full paper can be obtained here free of charge.
In last weeks article (Hendricks and Singhal, 2005) I described the effects of supply chain glitches on supply chain performance. This week should be viewed an update to that.
How is new knowledge generated in the social sciences? One method is case study research.
Case Study
A case study is an in-depth investigation of a specific question regarding an individual research object, it can be differentiated using the following criteria:
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2010-11-08 15:38
Global Manufacturing Outlook
A current report by KPMG shows that international manufacturers are increasingly considering effects of supplier selection on cost and potential risks. Nearly 200 companies participated globally in the survey. The full report can be downloaded here at KPMG, I just summarized the major findings.
I had this article marked for some time now and I finally got to read it. It describes the connection between Shareholder Value and the concept of Value Based Management (VBM) and Supply Chain Strategy.
“Management Development and the Supply Chain Manager of the Future” by J. Mangan and M. Christopher (2005) aims to bridge the gap between current offerings of knowledge providers (eg. universities), current capabilities of users (eg. students and managers) and buyers (aka. companies).First it seems to be a good idea to get an impression of the demographics of the current supply chain managers.