Denis R. Towill

Simplified Supply Chain Flows

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Simplified material flow holds the key to supply chain integration

I have to distract myself a little bit from thinking about supply chain risks too much, so I thought why not use the chance to read a different article once in a while. Well, at least the authors are familiar: Paul Childerhouse and Denis R. Towill and their paper of 2003: “Simplified material flow holds the key to supply chain integration”

Supply Chain Simulation and the Bullwhip Effect

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Industrial Dynamics Simulation Models in the Design of Supply Chains

I already reviewed some articles by Denis Towill primarily because he does some interesting research on simulation and supply chains, but also because I like his clear style in his articles.

In one of his early papers (1992) he teamed up with Naim and Wikner and described state of the art strategies to fight the bullwhip effect or as it is called in the paper by its older name: Industrial Dynamics.

Effects of Process Maturity and Uncertainty on SC Performance

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The impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance: an empirical study

Process orientation may or may not be a very hip topic right now. Nevertheless effective processes are a foundation for company performance. Lockamy, Childerhouse, Disney, Towill and McCormack (2008), analyze and explain the impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance, the full paper can be obtained here free of charge.

Managing Supply Chains with multiple Pipelines

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Designing and Managing multiple Pipelines

Companies offer a smaller or larger range of products serving different markets, depending on their history and primarily the respective business model.

From a supply chain management point of view this poses the question if it is ok just to use the same supply chain strategy for all those products.

Personalized Products and their Impact on Supply Chain Design

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Implications of personalization offers on demand and supply network design: A case from the golf club industry

Experts from research and business alike argue that within the last decades consumers have grown to be a more demanding factor for supply chain management. At the same time manufacturing and supply chain strategies adapted to this development (from lean to agile, see Christopher and Towill, 2000).

The Supply Chain Uncertainty Circle

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Shrinking the Supply Chain Uncertainty Circle

How to shrink the “Uncertainty Circle” is the topic of a paper I read today. It has been written by Rachel Mason-Jones and Denis R. Towill and can be downloaded here free of charge.

Acting on Supply Chain Disruptions

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Ericsson's proactive supply chain risk management approach after a serious sub-supplier accident

Supply Chain Risk manifests itself in many ways. Today the German airlines restored their regular flight schedule again after six days of no or limited air traffic, after the latest eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull vulcano on Iceland.

The consequences of such events only rarely become evident, but in the background emergency plans have to be executed (or developed).

Agile Supply Chains

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Supply chain migration from lean and functional to agile and customised

I have been reading a lot of interesting articles lately, hence I could not post as often as I wanted. I found an article by van der Vorst and Beulens (2002; “Identifying sources of uncertainty to generate supply chain redesign strategies”) which opens a new perspective on the SCRM issue. I am going to publish a review later this week and link it here.

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