Quants - This Week in Supply Chain Management (3 / 2012)

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I just finished another chapter of my dissertation. Now, there are only two chapters left comprising the major parts of the work… so those can take some time to finish. But I am really looking forward to starting with this next part of the work.

  • Together with Volkswagen AG, other German companies and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics a collaboration was formed to improve the transparency and pro-activeness within the supply chain. (Supply and Demand Chain)
  • This week apple released its “Supplier Responsibility Report” for 2012. Not only does it contain details about the many breaches of their supplier agreements, but also a 99%-complete listing of their suppliers. (atrisk)
  • Richard Howells talks about his ten supply chain predictions in 2010. I don’t really like those prediction lists, but he has some interesting links to other articles supporting his points. (Forbes)
  • Supply Chain Digest looks back into 2011 and tries to answer the question if supply chain management changed or will change due to the many disasters last year. (SCDigest)
  • This week the risk monitor talks about the cultural aspects of risk management. A topic which I touched for example here and there). (Risk Management Montior)
  • Also have a look at the report by Accenture on “The Rise of SCM Quants: How Finance and Risk Management are Transforming Supply Chain Strategy and Execution”. (accenture)

I wish you a nice weekend!

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