Risks at Renault - This Week in Supply Chain Management (31 / 2012)

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The kayak tour last weekend was great. We had good weather and a lot of fun. Even though our boat lost in every speed competition.
Afterwards we spent a night in Berlin, where I had the chance to eat dim sum (chinese dumplings) again at Yumcha. They remind me a lot of my semester in Hong Kong. Especially the Siu Mai.

  • This week I found a new article on risk management in the chemical supply chain using agent-based modeling. (ScienceDirect)

    In today’s global and competitive markets, managing supply chain disruptions is a key factor in the success of any business. Disruption management, however, can be a challenging issue as disruptions can occur for a wide variety of reasons and the approaches to handle these risks are also ample. Moreover, evaluating the disruption impact and possible treatments is not a trivial task for a complex supply chain with many actors and different types of interactions. This calls for appropriate modeling and simulation frameworks. This paper presents a simulation-based risk analysis approach using an agent-based model and its application for a specific case of a lube oil supply chain.
  • Fox Business reports on potential risks in the supply chain of the french car maker Renault (Fox Business)

Enjoy your weekend!

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