Some weeks ago I wrote about Fisher’s suggestions on how to select the right supply chain for your product. But how to continue from there? How do different products affect the further planning steps needed?
I just found the first supply chain risk related paper from a professor (Biying Shou) of one of my alma maters: The City University of Hong Kong, and I think this a good time to have a look at his work.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2010-08-30 08:37
Die Risikobetrachtung in der Beschaffung als strategische Komponente im Supply-Chain-Design : eine Analyse am Beispiel Karosserieblechteile in der Automobilindustrie
Today I start an irregular series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in libraries. So the goal is raise interest in their research.
Obviously Corporate Strategy should have an effect on the supply chain network design and its parameters. In their exploratory study Demeter, Gelei and Jenei (2006) show two examples of how supply chains are affected by different corporate strategies.
The authors analyzed the supply chains of two major car manufacturers with assemblies in Hungary. The focal companies were Audi and Suzuki. They conducted several interviews with the focal companies themselves and their best rated suppliers.