decision variables

Types of Supply Chains

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Types of Supply Chains

As a good book with current research on supply chain management I often recommend Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies

Finding the Right Supply Chain for your Product!

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What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product?

This again is an old classic in supply chain risk literature. In 1997 Marshall L. Fisher published this article in the Harvard Business Review targeting a simple question: “What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product?”

It is noteworthy that this appears to be one of the most often cited papers in supply chain management. So I overlook the fact that it is quite weak on the methodological foundations.

Customer Service or Cost? Optimization of the Supply Chain Design

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Trade-offs Between Customer Service and Cost in Integrated Supply Chain Design

In several articles I talked about competing objectives to the classical cost reduction goals (eg. with responsiveness or with reducing uncertainty).

Supply Chain Design: Capacity, Flexibility and Wholesale Price Strategies

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Supply Chain Design: Capacity, Flexibility and Wholesale Price Strategies

This is the forth contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.

Supply Chain Performance and its Topological Features

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An exploratory study of the relation between supply chain topological features and supply chain performance

Perhaps this research by Pero et al. can support small and medium sized companies with the design and redesign of its supply chain network.
The goal of the study was to analyze the connection between topological features of the supply chain and the resulting supply chain performance.

Integration of Network Design and Production/Distribution Planning

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A combined model of network design and production/distribution planning for a supply network

Jang et al. (2002): “A combined model of network design and production/distribution planning for a supply network” suggest a framework for integrating the strategic supply chain network design with the operational planning needed for production and distribution.
They make the point that strategical and operational planning should be integrated to find the optimal solution for the company. The following problems are affected.

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