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I am currently in the Snowballing Phase of the Systematic Review approach (explained here).

Cranfield Systematic Review Approach

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Cranfield Systematic Review

My professor gave me the hint to look for a systematic literature review approach which has been used at Cranfield University in the UK. Actually I found the description of a methodology to be used for a “systematic review”, that can be quite useful.

Ready for CSCMP Conference 2010

I am going to San Diego. Today I just received the confirmation for the CSCMP Annual Global Conference 2010. Beside the other conferences, the CSCMP is one of the major events this year.

Since I am already in the vicinity (visiting Japan for vacation) I extended my trip to Los Angeles / San Diego.

Supply Chain Manager of the Future

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Management development and the supply chain manager of the future

“Management Development and the Supply Chain Manager of the Future” by J. Mangan and M. Christopher (2005) aims to bridge the gap between current offerings of knowledge providers (eg. universities), current capabilities of users (eg. students and managers) and buyers (aka. companies).First it seems to be a good idea to get an impression of the demographics of the current supply chain managers.

Fun with Science

If you are like me working or even enjoying your holidays, here is some fun stuff for distraction.

Web Ressources on Supply Chain Management

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I finally received my credentials for the University Intranet so I am now able to start using some databases and get access to more articles online. But there are several other resources about Supply Chain Management online.


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