Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Fri, 2012-04-13 14:43
Finally I was able to hand in my dissertation to my professor. I hope to get his feedback soon.
This week I found several interesting articles, just pick those you find useful.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Fri, 2012-01-13 15:15
The new blog design seems to be accepted quite well, at least nobody complained ;-).
But there is one objective measure of site performance: Since switching to Drupal and the new design the site speed should have increased by about one third. I hope you enjoy the new site, let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Fri, 2011-11-11 11:11
During this week my research took a turn to the quantitative side. During the last month my focus was on the evaluation of the current research, now I finally can do my on supply chain simulations. So this week was all about getting the output format that I want and calibrating the supply chain model. I hope to be finished during the next week and then I can start assessing some supply chain risks.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Fri, 2011-11-04 15:06
Yet another week. I finally handed in the first part of my dissertation thesis, of course just-in-time on the 31st. So right now I prepare the second part, with the results of my exploratory expert interviews on supply chain risk mitigation strategies and insights of a simulation study using agent based simulation.
I am a huge fan of Open Access in research and a while ago I was made aware of a book on supply chain management, which has recently been published under an open access license. The full book can be downloaded on the web site of the publisher.
Resilience developed to one of the dominating concepts in supply chain risk management and this review takes a different look on corporate resilience by viewing it from a psychological perspective.
Why do some people and some companies buckle under pressure? And what makes others bend and ultimately bounce back?
Today I review “How Resilience works” by Diane Coutu, a summary of which can be found here.
In today’s post I would like to highlight how the concepts of resilience and sustainability can be aligned.
Resilience is often interpreted as a property of a supply chain most often associated in a risk management sense; sustainability on the other hand, usually refers more to social and environmental goal orientation. So how can these concepts be aligned?
This blog may be a good starting point for supply chain risk management related research and literature, but even with more than 140 articles reviewed in the blog I still just touched the tip of the iceberg. There are still many basic articles left. Like this one by Helen Peck (2006): “Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management”
This is the sixth contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations on supply chain risk management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.
In the United States May 2008 was declared to be “Resilience Month” with several congressional hearings on the topic of how to improve organizational resilience on a societal level.
Yossi Sheffi from the MIT is one of the leading researchers on supply chain resilience and he was part of the hearings as well.