Several questions I receive concern the very basic elements of supply chain risk management. Since reading “Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management” by Norrman and Lindroth (2004) I often referred to it, to describe the different aspects.
Norrman and Lindroth suggest a three dimensional framework to analyze different supply chain risk management issues (figure 1). The dimensions are:
In 2005 Uta Jüttner was researcher at the Cranfield University, UK, especially renowned for several minds working on supply chain risk management, like Martin Christopher or Denis Towill.
I already reviewed one of the articles of Zsidisin (Perception of Supply Risk). Today I had a look at an article about how the purchasing organization is involved in the supply chain risk management activities.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Sun, 2011-03-13 13:22
Impact of Demographics on Supply Chain Risk Management Practice
Published In:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master Thesis
This is somewhat of the fifth contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations, apart from not being a doctoral thesis but a master thesis on Supply Chain Risk Management. Nonetheless, an immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.