Yet another case study. This time on strategic network design. Why? A major problem for businesses is to find the right strategy for a given situation. And “right” here means optimal (for a given KPI).
Research question might be: Are there general categories which can be used to make different decision situations comparable? And if yes, what would optimal strategies under these circumstances be?
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2010-09-06 03:19
Implementierung interorganisationaler Managementinstrumente in logistischen Netzwerken: Strukturationstheoretische Analyse der Besonderheiten bei der Implementierung der CargoScoreCard im Kombinierten Verkehr
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Logistikmanagement: Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung logistischer Systeme
Today I would like to introduce a theory developed by Giddens in 1988 about social structures and how it can be used to analyze theories in Supply Chain Management.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Wed, 2010-08-25 08:54
In his fourth video podcasts Professor Richard Wilding talks about Supply Chain Strategies. I found it quite interesting, so I would like to give you a short summary of it here. If you are interested you can just download the podcast for free, you find a link in the reference section.