
Innovation and Slow Steaming - This Week in Supply Chain Management (34 / 2011)

This week has been quite busy. Beside the dissertation I am still working on a private project I have to finish till early September. But luckily I found the time to read some of the exciting news of the week.

Military and Theory - This Week in Supply Chain Management (33 / 2011)

Since I am using a Mac to support me with my research, I use Papers by Mekentosj for the organization of my literature. Just last week they finally made a new feature available for the public. It is called Livfe and enables you to share and discuss papers in your library and discuss their content with your peers.

Solar Flares and ISCRiM Newsletter - This Week in Supply Chain Management (32 / 2011)

I am happy to be back in Germany and I was able to avoid the announced strike of the German air traffic controllers. Which would have had implications not only for passenger services within Europe, but also could have disrupted shipments.
Let’s have a look at some of the articles I read this week:

This Week in Supply Chain Management (31 / 2011)

There has not been much going on this week beside the stock crash, and I did not stumble on anything good this week. My own articles on the other hand have been quite popular on Twitter, so if you haven’t read them do it now:

Product design and Inventories - This Week in Supply Chain Management (30 / 2011)

Even though I read a lot of news this week, there wasn’t much supply chain related. But on the bright side this week has brought several great blog posts that I like to share with you.

Aerospace and Supplier Risks - This Week in Supply Chain Management (29 / 2011)

The second week in Thailand, and I am spending the weekend in Chiang Mai in the north. I hope you had a great week, this is what I read this week.

Fears and Mitigation - This Week in Supply Chain Management (28 / 2011)

The first week in Bangkok is nearly over. I met a lot of interesting people and had inspiring talks about culture, supply chains and simulation. But the world did not stop moving, so I present you the highlights of the week in SCM.

Inventory up, Japanese cars still rare - This Week in Supply Chain Management (27 / 2011)

This week has been filled with work on my dissertation, I nearly finished my first chapter. But I have a long flight on Saturday, and so I have some time to fill.

Rebound and Conferences - This Week in Supply Chain Management (26 / 2011)

Welcome back to my regular TWi SCM post. This was the last week in June, and thus halftime for the year and still plenty of time to achieve the goals for 2011.

This Week in Supply Chain Management (25 / 2011)

This week has been low in news and I have been very busy so I just link to one article that I forgot to mention last week:
Risk issues and research gaps (Jan Husdal)

Please enjoy your weekend!


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