Final Impressions of the CSCMP Conference 2010
Overall I had a great time in San Diego. The location was great and I meet a lot of interesting people and got new insights for my research. The presentations I visited have been very insightful, but mostly I have been very busy meeting with industry leaders for interviews on Supply Chain Design and Risks.
In the last session (Brunch & Closing Session) for example Jack Bacon highlighted upcoming risks for supply chain professionals all over the world. As a futurist he especially emphasized that changes keep accelerating at the moment (eg. compared to a hundred years ago). He used the example of describing one typical day in the life of his ancestors, saying that nowadays it is becoming more and more difficult to find just one day or one common theme which describes the life of one person.
All and all a very interesting talk and I just ordered his book (My Grandfathers’ Clock by Jack Bacon) online.
To conclude the conference I added some pictures of the conference as well.
San Diego Conference Center Ballroom

Supply Chain of the Future Presentation

GES Warehouse Guided Tour

San Diego Padres

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