In the following I summarize the major points of the article “Responsive supply chain: A competitive strategy in a networked economy” by Gunasekaran, Lai and Cheng (2008).
Responsive Supply Chain (RSC)
The authors define a RSC to contain both aspects of Agile Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. They argue, that both complement each other in the objective to improve organizational competitiveness.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Wed, 2010-09-08 08:02
Recently there were numerous discussions and speculations on the shrinking supply of rare earth elements.
Those elements are used in many different applications from hard disks over cars to iPods. Supply for the world demand is curently dominated by China, which delivers about 97 percent.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2010-09-06 03:19
Implementierung interorganisationaler Managementinstrumente in logistischen Netzwerken: Strukturationstheoretische Analyse der Besonderheiten bei der Implementierung der CargoScoreCard im Kombinierten Verkehr
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Logistikmanagement: Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung logistischer Systeme
Today I would like to introduce a theory developed by Giddens in 1988 about social structures and how it can be used to analyze theories in Supply Chain Management.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Mon, 2010-08-30 08:37
Die Risikobetrachtung in der Beschaffung als strategische Komponente im Supply-Chain-Design : eine Analyse am Beispiel Karosserieblechteile in der Automobilindustrie
Today I start an irregular series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in libraries. So the goal is raise interest in their research.