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The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy on Shareholder Value

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Supply Chain Strategy: Its Impact on Shareholder Value

I had this article marked for some time now and I finally got to read it. It describes the connection between Shareholder Value and the concept of Value Based Management (VBM) and Supply Chain Strategy.

Supply Chain Design - Robust Planning with differentiated Supplier Selection

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Supply Chain Design - Robuste Planung mit differenzierter Auswahl der Zulieferer

This is the third contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.

Supply Chain Integration as major Value Driver

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Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies

“Arcs of integration” is a concept developed by Frohlich and Westrook (2001) which describes the degree of integration of suppliers and customers within a Supply Chain.

The wider the arc the further the integration activities go.
Arcs of Supply Chain

Kühne Logistics University started in Hamburg

With the Kühne Logistics University (KLU) there has been another addition to Hamburgs rich educational environment in logistics and supply chain management. Others include the Hamburg University and the Hamburg University of Technology.

Final Impressions of the CSCMP Conference 2010

Overall I had a great time in San Diego. The location was great and I meet a lot of interesting people and got new insights for my research. The presentations I visited have been very insightful, but mostly I have been very busy meeting with industry leaders for interviews on Supply Chain Design and Risks.
