case study

Case Study on Managing Disruptions in Supply Chains

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Managing disruptions in supply chains: A case study of a retail supply chain

Disruptions are an often recurring research objective in this blog. After writing about the severity of disruptions and conceptual research on how to mitigate them, todays article is concerned with how disruptions are managed in practice.

Purchasing's involvement in risk management

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Purchasing organization involvement in risk assessments, contingency plans, and risk management: an exploratory study

I already reviewed one of the articles of Zsidisin (Perception of Supply Risk). Today I had a look at an article about how the purchasing organization is involved in the supply chain risk management activities.

Definition of Risk

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On The Quantitative Definition of Risk

What is risk anyway?
I read this paper already some time ago. It is very important to have a clear definition of the terms used in research. But from my previous experience I know that also in business a clear understanding of the different aspects of risks is important to stay consistent.

Case Study Research for Theory Creation

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Building Theories from Case Study Research

How is new knowledge generated in the social sciences? One method is case study research.

Case Study

A case study is an in-depth investigation of a specific question regarding an individual research object, it can be differentiated using the following criteria:

Supply Chain Risk Management Sessions @CSCMP 2010

Most of the time during the conference I was busy interviewing companies for my dissertation, but I also found time to listen to some of the sessions on SCRM.

Simulation of Supply Chain Disruptions

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Quantifying Supply Chain Disruption Risk Using Monte Carlo and Discrete-Event Simulation

Still too many cooperations do not analyze their supply networks using consistent and scientifically proven methods. Some already do. One case of a company (ABC) is described below.

Foundation for a Responsive Supply Chain

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Responsive supply chain: A competitive strategy in a networked economy

In the following I summarize the major points of the article “Responsive supply chain: A competitive strategy in a networked economy” by Gunasekaran, Lai and Cheng (2008).

Responsive Supply Chain (RSC)

The authors define a RSC to contain both aspects of Agile Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. They argue, that both complement each other in the objective to improve organizational competitiveness.

Supply of Rare Earth Elements might be shrinking up to 72%

Recently there were numerous discussions and speculations on the shrinking supply of rare earth elements.

Those elements are used in many different applications from hard disks over cars to iPods. Supply for the world demand is curently dominated by China, which delivers about 97 percent.

Risk considerations in Purchasing

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Die Risikobetrachtung in der Beschaffung als strategische Komponente im Supply-Chain-Design : eine Analyse am Beispiel Karosserieblechteile in der Automobilindustrie

Today I start an irregular series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in libraries. So the goal is raise interest in their research.

Designing Supply Chain Strategies

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In his fourth video podcasts Professor Richard Wilding talks about Supply Chain Strategies. I found it quite interesting, so I would like to give you a short summary of it here. If you are interested you can just download the podcast for free, you find a link in the reference section.


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