
Leading by Design

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The impact of product design on supply chain risk: a case study

Is there consensus about the role of product design as the leading function in the supply chain? Not yet! This article introduces the topic of integrating decisions in product and supply chain design and gives a short glimpse on the “how to implement” part.

Measuring Supply Chain Performance

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Measuring supply chain performance

Last week I conducted another Interview for the empirical part of my research. And we also discussed how to measure performance within the SC. As it turns out, multiple measures, namely service, cost, working capital are used. Sadly in literature many authors still focus on a single measure only and I wanted to know more about it. So I read an article by B. Beamon (Measuring Supply Chain Performance) to get an overview over performance measures used and how to select the right one(s).

Strategic Supply Chain Management @CSCMP 2010

Yesterday I finished the “Strategic Supply Chain Issues” Pre-Conference Workshop “Where Tactical Functionality Meets the Big Picture”. The following key points were intensively discussed:

  • Fundamental SC Strategies: Operational Excelence (eg.


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