How to shrink the “Uncertainty Circle” is the topic of a paper I read today. It has been written by Rachel Mason-Jones and Denis R. Towill and can be downloaded here free of charge.
Supply Chain Risk Management is one way to look at risks within a company (and beyond). But there are broader and more narrow disciplines as well, with Business Continuity on the one end and Supply Chain Crisis Management on the other.
At the moment I am focussing more on the interviews I am conducting for my research, so I am not reading as much anymore. I therefore try to select articles which are both useful for my research and my blog.
I had this article marked for some time now and I finally got to read it. It describes the connection between Shareholder Value and the concept of Value Based Management (VBM) and Supply Chain Strategy.
Submitted by Daniel Dumke on Wed, 2010-10-13 15:28
Supply Chain Design - Robuste Planung mit differenzierter Auswahl der Zulieferer
Published In:
Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., Dissertation
This is the third contribution to my series on doctoral dissertations on Supply Chain Risk Management. An immense effort and dedication is spent on these works only to find the results hidden in the libraries. So the goal is raise interest in the research of my peers.
“Arcs of integration” is a concept developed by Frohlich and Westrook (2001) which describes the degree of integration of suppliers and customers within a Supply Chain.