Supply Chain Conferences 2012

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Just another year comes to an end and so it is high time to aggregate the upcoming conferences on supply chain management and related topics in 2012.

The goal is to have a comprehensive overview of the most instructive and useful conferences of the year.

If you have any additions, just let me know in the comments section of this article. Also, you can recommend one of the conferences or the other from your personal experience.

In accordance with the topic of the blog I focussed my selection on conferences, which also have tracks related to supply chain risk management. As last year, I also added a column for the Target Audience being either Business, Research or Both.

Since not all major conferences have released the dates for 2012, I will update this post as soon as I receive new information. You can subscribe to my site and get updates via RSS or email by clicking the icons in banner on this page.

Supply Chain Conferences 2012
Name Location Start End Fees Target Audience Call for Papers Links
FMI 2012 Supply Chain Conference Orlando, FL, USA 2012-01-22 2012-01-24 USD 2’045 Business none
Global Supply Chain Management Spring Conference West Lafayette, IN, USA 2012-02-10 USD 100 Both none
21th Annual IPSERA Conference Naples, Italy 2012-04-01 2012-04-04 EUR 395 – 540 Research 2011-11-01
RIMS Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA, USA 2012-04-15 2012-04-18 USD 525 Business none
POMS 22st Annual Conference Chicago, IL, USA 2012-04-20 2012-04-23 tbd. Research 2012-01-31
CSCMP Europe 2012 Frankfurt a. M., Germany 2012-04-23 2012-04-25 USD 925 – 1’420 Both 2012-01-09
Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference Palm Desert, CA, USA 2012-05-21 2012-05-23 USD 2’195 – 2’595 Business None
European Supply Chain and Logistics Summit Berlin, Germany 2012-06-19 2012-06-21 GBP 1’495 Business none
SMART Conference and Expo 2013 Sydney, Australia 2012-06-26 2012-06-27 tbd. Both tbd.
4th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management / 19th EurOMA Conference 2012 Amsterdam, NL 2012-07-01 2012-07-05 EUR 550 – 650 Research 2012-01-13
2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS) Beijing, China 2012-06-08 2012-06-11 tbd. Research 2012-03-02
NOFOMA Conference 2012 Turku, Finland 2012-06-09 2012-06-10 EUR 150 – 625 Research 2012-04-30
ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium 2012 Perth, Australia 2012-12-05 2012-12-07 tbd. Research tbd.
17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012) Cape Town, South Africa 2012-07-08 2012-07-11 tbd. Both 2012-01-14
CSCMP Annual Global Conference Atlanta, GE, USA 2012-09-30 2012-10-03 USD 1295 – 1795 Both none
European Transport Conference Glasgow, Scotland 2012-10-10 2012-10-12 GBP 270 – 350 Research 2012-02-12
5th International Symposium on Network Reliability Hong Kong, China 2012-12-18 2012-12-19 tbd. Research 2012-01-30
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics Hamburg, Germany tbd. tbd. Research tbd.
SCC Executive Summit North America Palm Springs, CA, USA tbd. tbd. Business None


2012/01/06: Added the 5th International Symposium on Network Reliability
2012/01/13: Added the RIMS Annual Conference
2012/01/27: Added the European Transport Conference 2012


Name - Smart Procurement World 2012
Location - Johannesburg, South Africa
Start - 13 November 2012
End - 15 November 2012
Fees - USD 450 - 1300
Target Audience - Business & Government
Call for Papers - none
Links -

Thanks for the heads-up!


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