supply chain management

Supply Chain Conferences 2012

Just another year comes to an end and so it is high time to aggregate the upcoming conferences on supply chain management and related topics in 2012.

The goal is to have a comprehensive overview of the most instructive and useful conferences of the year.

If you have any additions, just let me know in the comments section of this article. Also, you can recommend one of the conferences or the other from your personal experience.

Issues in Supply Chain Management

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Issues in Supply Chain Management

Very often this blog is concerned with the risk part of supply chain risk management. But to understand the risks within supply chain management, one has to understand the supply chain part as well. In 2000 Lambert and Cooper published a paper on the current “Issues in Supply CHain Management” and I want to highlight the main points here.

Current Evolution of Supply Chain Management

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How are we doing - A Survey of Supply Chain Progress

One very important part of supply chain management research is the historical analysis of supply chain practices and properties over time. Just recently I published an article on the development of supply chain strategies over the course of 20 years.

Supply Chain Management Literature Review

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Review of supply chain management and logistics research

It’s not that there are no articles on supply chain risk management anymore. But after writing on current research in the last weeks (like the one on system failure here) I have been wondering more about the foundations of supply chain management in general. So I decided to review an article today on general supply chain management research, in this case a literature review by Sachan and Datta (2005).

Supply Chain Risk Webinar

I stumbled upon a Webinar which touches the topic of Supply Chain Risks, in this case: “Removing the Risks and Profiting from a Sustainable Supply Chain“.
It will be conducted by a small consulting firm (SD&S, Main Speaker is Jos Darmanata). Here are the facts:

  • Date: Thursday, 16th December 2010
  • Time: 14:15 GMT
  • Topics include

Supply Chain Conferences 2011

In preparation for next year I have been busy looking for Supply Chain Conferences. The goal is to have a comprehensive overview of instructive and useful conferences in 2011.

The conferences I selected all have tracks related to Supply Chain Risk Management. In this year’s table I added another column for the Target Audience as either Business, Research or Both.

Supply Chain Crisis Management

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Managing supply chains in times of crisis: a review of literature and insights

Supply Chain Risk Management is one way to look at risks within a company (and beyond). But there are broader and more narrow disciplines as well, with Business Continuity on the one end and Supply Chain Crisis Management on the other.

Supply Chain Integration as major Value Driver

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Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies

“Arcs of integration” is a concept developed by Frohlich and Westrook (2001) which describes the degree of integration of suppliers and customers within a Supply Chain.

The wider the arc the further the integration activities go.
Arcs of Supply Chain

Identifying important Activities within the SCOR Processes

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Linking SCOR planning practices to supply chain performance: An exploratory study

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model has been developed by the Supply Chain Council to provide a best-practice framework for supply chain management practices and processes with the goal to increase performance.


The SCOR model consists of five major process categories: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return

AMR announces Supply Chain Ranking 2010

Gartner just announced the 2010 Supply Chain ranking conducted by AMR Research.
The ranking consists of the 25 companies with the best-ranked Supply Chains.


This years Top 5 (extract):

  1. Apple
  2. Procter & Gamble
  3. Cisco Systems
  4. Wal-Mart Stores
  5. Dell


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