Supply Chain Conferences 2011

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In preparation for next year I have been busy looking for Supply Chain Conferences. The goal is to have a comprehensive overview of instructive and useful conferences in 2011.

The conferences I selected all have tracks related to Supply Chain Risk Management. In this year’s table I added another column for the Target Audience as either Business, Research or Both.

Since not all major conferences have released any dates for 2011, I will update this post as soon as I receive new information. You can subscribe to my site and get updates via RSS or email by clicking the icons in banner on this page.

This year I have personally attended the HICL (Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, proceedings) and CSCMP Annual Global Conference in San Diego and I can recommend both of them.

Supply Chain Conferences 2011
Name Location Start End Fees Target Audience Call for Papers Links
FMI 2011 Supply Chain Conference Orlando, FL, USA 2011-01-30 2011-02-01 USD 1’995 Business none
Financial Supply Chain Payments Conference Orlando, FL, USA 2011-03-15 2011-03-17 USD 595 – 695 Business none
12th Logistics Forum Duisburg Duisburg, Germany 2011-03-16 2011-03-17 EUR 590 – 990 Business none
Supply Chain Risk Management Forum Toronto, Canada 2011-03-29 CAD 1,275 Business none
20th Annual IPSERA Conference Maastricht, The Netherland 2011-04-10 2011-04-13 EUR 395 – 540 Research 2010-11-19
POMS 22st Annual Conference Reno, USA 2011-04-29 2011-05-02 USD 395 -550 Research 2011-01-14
Supply Chain Risk Management Singapore 2011-05-09 2011-05-10 not published Business none
SMART Conference and Expo 2011 Sydney, Australia 2011-05-24 2011-05-26 tbd. Both 2010-11-22
Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference Scotsdale, AZ, USA 2011-06-01 2011-06-03 USD 2195 Business None
18th EurOMA Conference 2011 Camebridge, UK 2011-06-03 2011-06-06 GBP 450 – 640 Research 2011-01-17
European Supply Chain and Logistics Summit Prague, Czech Republic 2011-06-07 2011-06-09 tbd. Business none
CSCMP Europe 2010 Barcelona, Spain 2011-06-08 2011-06-10 EUR 750 Both 2011-01-10
1st International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Beijing, China 2011-06-08 2011-06-11 tbd. Research 2011-01-25
NOFOMA Conference 2011 Harstad, Norway 2011-06-09 2011-06-10 EUR 350 – 555 Research 2011-01-10
1-2-1 Supply Chain Excellence Summit 2011 London, Great Britan 2011-06-14 tbd. Business
ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium 2011 Geelong, Australia 2011-06-15 2011-06-17 AUD 480 – 800 Research 2011-02-28
13th International Conference on Modern Information Technology Trondheim, Norway 2011-06-22 2011-06-24 tbd. Research 2011-01-17
16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011) Berlin, Germany 2011-07-10 2011-07-13 tbd. Both 2011-01-14
Global Supply Chain SumMIT Shah Alam, Malaysia 2011-07-19 free Business none
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics Hamburg, Germany 2011-09-08 2011-09-09 tbd. Research 2011-01-31
SCC Executive Summit North America Palm Springs, CA, USA 2011-09-28 2011-09-30 USD 1200 – 2500 Business None
CSCMP Annual Global Conference Philadelphia, USA 2011-10-02 2011-10-05 USD 1345 – 1845 Both none
4th OSCM Conference Male, Maldives 2011-12-15 2011-12-17 tbd. Research 2011-07-31
Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Mgmt. (ASCMM 2011) Kharagpur, India 2011-12-16 2011-12-18 USD 200 – 500 Research 2011-06-30
9th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium Paderborn, Germany tbd. tbd. Research tbd.
Supply Chain Management SIG 2011 Conference Haifa, Israel tbd. tbd. Research tbd.
International Conference on Logistics Reseach (RIRL) tbd. tbd. tbd. Research tbd.

Update (04/Mar/2011): Added 1-2-1 Supply Chain Excellence Summit and OSCM Forum
Update (28/Mar/2011): Added Marcus Evans Conference on SCRM
Update (15/Apr/2011): Added Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference
Update (10/Jun/2011): Added Global Supply Chain SumMIT
Update (29/Jul/2011): Added SCC Executive Summit

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