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Fragile Food Supply Chains: Reacting to Risks

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Fragile food supply chains: reacting to risks

The foods supply chain satisfies one of the most basic Maslowian needs.
Interruptions can quickly become major crisis. Assessment and reactions to risks therefore seems to be a vital point.

This article presents a framework by Dani and Deep on how specific food supply chain risks can be analyzed and how reactions can be tailored.

Flood and Balancesheets - This Week in Supply Chain Management (9 / 2012)

I like this hour. Preparing this blog post. Once a week I go through all my collected news items and articles I wanted to read for the whole week and finally I have the chance. Usually I have to skim another 50 or more articles to find some which have really reveal news or insights which interest me.
I hope this weeks selection fits your interest as well!

Natural Disaster Management Planning

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Natural disaster management planning: A study of logistics managers responding to the tsunami

After the 2004 tsunami, which heavily affected parts of Thailand and Indonesia, national and international disaster response was quick to support the affected regions.

Within several weeks of the disaster, approximately 400 international non government organizations (NGOs) were working in Indonesia alone providing basic assistance to the affected population.

Introduction to disaster relief

Several factors are necessary to improve response activities:

Videos - This Week in Supply Chain Management (8 / 2012)

This week we’ll keep it short.
Even though I stumbled upon several articles this week, I found only few useful to post them here.
