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Resilience or Lean SCM - This Week in Supply Chain Management (15 / 2012)

Finally I was able to hand in my dissertation to my professor. I hope to get his feedback soon.
This week I found several interesting articles, just pick those you find useful.

Negotiation Strategies in Supply Chain Management

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Negotiation strategies in supply chain management

Within a supply chain many supplier-buyer relationships exist. Even though supply chain management aims to take a high level view, these dyadic relationships form the basis of the supply chain and therefore should be the focus of a supply chain analysis.

The negotiation of the terms of these relationships defines the structure of the supply chain and can affect the power and profit distribution within the supply chain itself.

So, this week we’ll have a closer look at negotiations in the supply chain using a 2008 paper by Frederik Zachariassen.

Case Study and Conference - This Week in Supply Chain Management (14 / 2012)

This week I received my first full-version feedback on my PhD-thesis. A big thanks to my reviewer! Luckily I do not have too many adjustments to make, so I will use time during the easter holidays to commit the changes. I hope to be done by Tuesday, and I already got an appointment with my Professor on Wednesday, to officially hand over the dissertation.

Assessment of Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

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Assessing the Vulnerability of Supply Chains using graph theory

This is a review of another chapter of the book by Zsidisin and Ritchie (Supply Chain Risk). The book can be bought at, if you are interested in reading more.

Battery Risks - This Week in Supply Chain Management (13 / 2012)

This week I finally finished the first complete version of my dissertation. All graphs and tables now are now built using the same template and I finally decided on the final typeface: For the main texts it’s Gyre Bonum which is built on the Bookman typeface) and for the headlines I choose Bera Serif a nice slab serif font.
