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Disease - This Week in Supply Chain Management (30 / 2012)

Another week has gone by and I am looking forward to my next vacation. This time will be only a prolonged weekend, which I will spend at the Mecklenburg Lake District. Germany’s largest coherent lake and canal region.
We are going to explore a small section of it on our four day kayak tour.

All of the articles I recommend reading this week are already on my tweet list:

Researchers’ Perspectives on Supply Chain Risk Management

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Researchers’ Perspectives on Supply Chain Risk Management

The article on review today serves two distinct needs, by summarizing the current (2012) state of supply chain risk management.
The title of the article implies, that this is only a summary relevant for researchers. But this is not the case: of course there is also a short summary of current research and supply chain risk management, but a major part consists of two focus groups with practitioners and researchers, to define the current gaps in supply chain risk management.

Apple's Risk Management - This Week in Supply Chain Management (29 / 2012)

This week there is one article and one conference I would like point out.

Secure Collaboration in Global Supply Chain Management

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Secure collaboration in global design and supply chain environment: Problem analysis and literature review

One of the fundamental problems in supply chain management in general is that of finding the right trade-offs between information sharing and keeping one’s distance towards potential competitors.

Zeng et al. did a literature review to collect some of the current insights on how to solve this problem.

Supply Chain Risk Drivers - This Week in Supply Chain Management (28 / 2012)

This week is we keep it short and simple. I found a nice online textbook on The Geography of Transport Systems at the Hofstra University (NY).
