
Happy Holidays

I wish you happy holidays and a good start in the new year and I hope you enjoy the spare time.
I am signing off for 2010, I’ll be back at January, 3rd. But I picked several noteworthy articles for you to read in the meantime.

Supply of Rare Earth Elements might be shrinking up to 72%

Recently there were numerous discussions and speculations on the shrinking supply of rare earth elements.

Those elements are used in many different applications from hard disks over cars to iPods. Supply for the world demand is curently dominated by China, which delivers about 97 percent.

Designing Supply Chain Strategies

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In his fourth video podcasts Professor Richard Wilding talks about Supply Chain Strategies. I found it quite interesting, so I would like to give you a short summary of it here. If you are interested you can just download the podcast for free, you find a link in the reference section.

Next Generation iPhone leaked

Just a short note: Outsourcing always means giving away information which prior only belonged to one company. It therefore carries increased risk of theft, be it physical or intellectual.

In the last days several videos showed up on youtube showing what might be the next generation Apple iPhone.
Usually these videos are published from bloggers or the press, sometimes money for the device/video is paid.

Supply Chain Conferences 2010

Update: For all the conferences of 2012 please have a look at Supply Chain Conferences 2012

Fun with Science

If you are like me working or even enjoying your holidays, here is some fun stuff for distraction.

Journal Ranking - Supply Chain Risk Management

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An analysis of the value of supply chain management periodicals

The journals with relevant articles for Supply Chain Risk Management can be very diverse. First one would think about which fields and respective journals are relevant and where can one expect to find articles concerning supply chain risks?

Web Ressources on Supply Chain Management

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I finally received my credentials for the University Intranet so I am now able to start using some databases and get access to more articles online. But there are several other resources about Supply Chain Management online.

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