supply chain

Solution to Strategic Supply Chain Mapping

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Solutions to strategic supply chain mapping issues

I just realized that my favorite book on crafting diagrams to better communicate in a graphical way (Envisioning Information) j

Supply Chain Apps for iPhone and iPad

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Some say that tablet computers are a great fit, not only for games and surfing the web, but for business applications as well.

But since the tablet computer is not much more than a big screen, software is key to a productive use of the pad.

To test this hypothesis I picked the iPad as an example for a tablet computer, because:

Conceptual and Analytical Framework for SCRM

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A conceptual and analytical framework for the management of risk in supply chains

A supply chain risk management framework should help to define the cornerstones of risk related supply chain problems and give hints on how to take actions to mitigate impending disruptions.

Today’s full paper has been published in 2004 and in it the authors (Gaonkar and Viswanadham) deal with this problem.

Core definitions

At the core of their framework the authors define the risk/supply chain related terms.

First, risks can be seen from an organizational-, supply chain- or industry-level.

SC Design: Organizational Roles in Network Management

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Managing Supply Networks: Organizational Roles in Network Management

Supply chain design and optimization has been covered in this blog to a great extend. The concept of design implicitly assumes that there is at least one designer, who decides how the desired “optimal” supply chain design should look like.

Defining a supply chain as a group of legally independent companies, shows that the complexity in this decision process might be drastically increased, since one has to include multiple players and their goals in the process.

Design and Operation of a Hydrogen Supply Chain

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Design and Operation of a Future Hydrogen Supply Chain

Increasing oil prices make it more rewarding to look for alternative energy sources to fuel future propulsion.
In the case of the reviewed paper today I selected one of a few papers I recently discovered on this topic. If you like to know more just let me know.The basic assumption of this paper sets hydrogen as the replacement energy storage for oil.

Multi-level Supply Chain Design

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Supply chain design and multilevel planning - An industrial case

The quantification of supply chain planning is the next step in the field of supply chain optimization. After operational and logistical aspects have been modeled and optimized, margins for further improvement remain slim.
Based on this premise the paper I review today suggests and tests several alternative multilevel planning approaches to gain further supply chain improvements by optimizing the mid-term supply chain design.

The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance

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The impact of supply chain integration on performance: A contingency and configuration approach

An ongoing debate in supply chain management is about the degree to which companies should collaborate with their supply chain partners. In business and research the concept is called supply chain integration and may also be a useful strategy for reducing certain risks. And of course it is an often used strategy in supply chain management in general
Analyzing the effect of supply chain integration on performance therefore is an important issue in SCM research.

Behavioral Risks in Supply Networks

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Behavioural Risks in Supply Networks

Not only earthquakes and terrorist attacks can lead to supply chain disruptions. Supply chains are also subject to behavioral risks, meaning that participants of the supply chain could exhibit behavior which might be consistent with their goals, but contrary to the goals of the supply chain’s other participants.

Optimal Design of Supply Chain Networks with uncertain Demand

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Optimal design of supply chain networks under uncertain transient demand variations

This week is dedicated to the works on supply chain management from Greek supply chain researchers. Today’s article has been published in the Journal of Management Sciences (Omega) by four researchers from northern Greece and the UK.

Exception Handling for Robust Supply Chain Design

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Robust Supply Chain Design: a Strategic Approach for Exception Handling

This article considers the design of robust supply chains from the viewpoint of exception handling. Disruptions of the supply chain happen all the time. Smaller disruptions like quality issues are part of the daily business; but a look at the recent ten years shows that large disruptions, happen more often as well (think of terrorist attacks or earthquakes). “Thus, exception management is an important issue in global supply chain networks.”


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